A brief summary of the places I've worked at as a developer
- Prep Fellow at MLH Fellowship
July 2022 - August 2022, Remote
- An internship alternative program in which I collaborated with people from all over the world on open-source projects
- Made contributions to portfolio project made with Jekyll (https://mlh-fellowship.github.io/prep-portfolio-22.AUG.PREP.2/)
- Made contributions to a weather app made with React (https://mlh-fellowship.github.io/prep-project-22.AUG.PREP.2/)
- Web Development Intern at SaffronStays
June 2021 - June 2022, Remote
- Online travel agency with 50k daily visitors; part of a team to renovate website using the React ecosystem
- Created an easy-to-use dashboard for stakeholders
- Implemented JWT auth, reusable components for use across the website
- Reprogrammed APIs from Node to Golang for better performance and latency
- Frontend Intern at Artistan
April 2021 - June 2021, Remote
- Developed a responsive PWA for an e-commerce store from scratch using React
- Implemented OTP-based authentication system using JWT, including Google and Facebook logins
- Created an autosaving form using Formik, with reordering-enabled image gallery for user input